
Showing posts from July, 2024

Thing's you should know before Camping

What is Camping? Camping is an outdoor activity that involves staying the night/more than one night in a protective shelter out in nature. Camping is a broad term but in its essence, camping is a way of getting away from the hassle of urban life, to a more natural environment for a limited time. Recreational camping started in the late 19th century and became one of the most common outdoor activities all around the world.  How to Camp? Camping is a recreational activity and there is no competition. You just need to learn to enjoy yourself and the nature that surrounds you.  Camping Training: What are the Basics? Always bring appropriate clothing for unexpected weather conditions It is good to have a shelter that is resilient to rain, snow, or excessive sunlight.  Camping can be a tiring activity and you don’t want to be exhausted or dehydrated, so try to have plenty of calories and water. Dress for utility, not to impress. Before You Go: Stuff You Need to Know Health benefits of regula

Thing you should avoid in trading

1 . Trading without a trading plan Every trader needs a  trading plan . If they don't have one, it’s time to get one and the best place to start is by thinking about why you’re trading. Is it because they want to earn a bit of extra money on the side of their regular job? Do they want to make a career out of tracking the stock market? Is it just something they're doing for a challenge? Whatever the reason may be, the goals will help dictate the way a person trades.  Traders need to think about what they really want to get from trading and then work out how to get it. Consider the amount of time available to dedicate to trading, the types of trades to pursue (e.g. high volume, low profit), and whether the level of knowledge is sufficient or if more time is needed on education. 2. Trading too much, too soon Due to the potential to earn money from trading the temptation, especially for new traders, is to push limits in the hope of getting greater